Their "go bags" are still at the ready in case of a natural disaster. I'm guessing that this time they'll include extra Toilet Paper in case they really do have "to go".
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Go bags
by punkofnice inwhat are they going to do with their 'go bags(tm)' now?.
convert them to 'stay bags'?.
Should I feel sorry for unprepared jws?
by solomon inthose that discouraged working full time and/or getting some post secondary education and will now feel the pinch because of a tanking economy?.
Pete Zahut
Those that discouraged working full time and/or getting some post secondary education and will now feel the pinch because of a tanking economy?
Think back on how sincerely right you though you were back in your JW days and it's easier to see them as victims just as we once were.
What are your favorite film clips?
by LoveUniHateExams inhey, guys - how ya doin?.
so, what are your favorite movie clips?.
gimme your best movie clips, please, ladies and gentlemen.. here's one of mine ….
Pete Zahut
I like the market scene from Notting Hill, where Bill Withers sings "Aint No Sunshine" and you see the seasons change while Hugh Grant's character walks through the market. In the beginning it's summer and he passes a pregnant woman and at the end it's spring time and the woman is holding the baby she was carrying.
Are YOU a JW parasite?
by The Fall Guy inevery single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
Pete Zahut
We have a family member (lovely married couple) who are long time Bethelites who have been there since they were in their 20's. He is now turned 50 and she's in her late 40's They've managed to be able to travel a lot over the years but I wouldn't exactly refer to them as "parasites".
Their Jobs are physically demanding and they are very dedicated. He sometimes uses his vacation time (and she shares her vacation time with him) so he can do home repair jobs on the outside to earn extra money. I think it's mostly JW's who hire him. I'm not sure how that works out in terms of their "vow of poverty" but I think it is viewed as OK since it's their own time and they are free to use it as they see fit.
The trouble is they are getting older and have no Social Security and the new system seems to be delaying. I know that because of this concern, they are thinking of leaving so they can work part time on the outside and part time at Bethel as "commuters". They are so sincere and I feel badly for them but they seem to be confident that Jehovah will provide. They escaped the "lay-offs" a while back but we figured if they were to be laid off, as long as they stayed in the JW network they would be ok because Bethelites seem to be taken care of. JW's typically view Bethelites as hard working rather than as parasites and it makes them feel good to help them out financally since they believe Bethelites are making personal sacrifices to do work that they themselves aren't in a position to do.
COVID-19 another example showing local publishers/congregations are on their own?
by JWTom inmy area is a large city spread across two u.s. states and multiple different cities and counties.
the area of 2.5 million is covered by parts of 4-5 different circuits.
many of those attending meetings are at-risk individuals with health problems or age related risk.
Pete Zahut
The local elders should be providing pastoral care and practical assistance whilst keeping themselves safe.
Who says they aren't doing this and what evidence is there? I can see having a specific personal beef with the JW's or not agreeing with their doctrine but it seems like people just make assumptions about anything they want to and run with them without providing proof or examples of what they are claiming.
What do they actually get?
How do you know they are lacking or aren't getting what they need? Show me proof.
COVID-19 another example showing local publishers/congregations are on their own?
by JWTom inmy area is a large city spread across two u.s. states and multiple different cities and counties.
the area of 2.5 million is covered by parts of 4-5 different circuits.
many of those attending meetings are at-risk individuals with health problems or age related risk.
Pete Zahut
This pandemic just seems to be a glaring example that the GB and Bethel have little to offer beyond parroting what the government has already said - and then more or less saying - GOOD LUCK!
JW's seem to be damned if they do and damned if they don't in to so many on this site. If they give direction, their direction is mocked or they are accused of being pushy or controlling. If they leave things up to the local elders to comply with what the local authorities are advising or requiring, they are seen as neglectful.
What should they be doing in your opinion and why do you care one way or another if the meetings are held or not ?
So where's the the food at the proper time?!
by nowwhat? inso we are a couple weeks into this crisis with the meetings being cancelled.
and you would think the fds would have provided the sheep with helpful spiritual guidance in these times of need.
wtf do they have jw broadcasting for then?
Pete Zahut
So we are a couple weeks into this crisis with the meetings being cancelled. And you would think the fds would have provided the sheep with helpful spiritual guidance in these times of need. Wtf do they have jw broadcasting for then? Blind guides!
I'm not sure what your complaint is or what proof that there is that they aren't "providing the sheep with helpful spiritual guidance". Seems like they've been doing pretty well and are far from being what you call "blind guides" in this instance.
Since the late 1800's JW's have been preparing their members "spiritually" for an event or events like this where spiritual direction is limited or impossible, hence their constant admonishment to "become spiritually strong""rely upon Jehovah".
As far as I can tell, there has been regular direction in the form of letters from H.Q. every few days. is still up and running and the Elders are supposed to be looking out for the flock on a local level. Each member still have their Bibles and the literature to refer to. There are still telephones, Skype, email, FaceTime and other means for them to be in contact even if the meetings are cancelled. What would you have them do differently?
Not a good idea to fault JW's on everything they do. It makes legitimate complaints less credible.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
I don't understand what South Korea has that we don't have.
Perhaps the people there are used to working together rather than insisting on individuality at any cost. Trying to get a nation of people, each with their own opinion, to pull in one direction, must be like herding cats. People won't even stop buying toilet paper and stealing masks let alone agree upon or follow a plan of action.
Guns and ammo selling out fast
by JimmyYoung ini went to my local walmart today and most of the can goods and frozen foods were sold out.
i did a web search from where i buy ammo from, lucky gunner, sg ammo, buds and others.
bulk ammo is sold out just over night.
Pete Zahut
bulk ammo is sold out just over night. Gone. Hundreds of thousands of rounds goneMakes sense...if you're going to stock up on toilet paper you might as well stock up on suppositories, I mean bullets, while you're at it.
Hot off the press - Maintaining Congregation Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic
by pixel in27:23; sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
(sfl chap.
Pete Zahut
4- Selective Use of JW Stream: Making use of JW Stream should be considered only when other alternatives are not possible. JW Stream should not be used as a substitute for congregation meetings week after week.
I suppose too many JW's online at once could break the internet.